Dream Solutions Apps

Красивые поздравления
The collection contains 10 thousand congratulations on varioustemy.Rabotaet without the Internet.
Великие тайны мира 1.7
The great secrets of the world - a collection of the mostinteresting and mysterious in the world.
Тайны мира
Secrets of the World - Collection of puzzles and mysteries of theworld about the most interesting and mysterious.
Сонник - сны и сновидения
Interpretation of Dreams 100 dream books. Offline.
Beautiful puzzles 2.8
The collection of 130 beautiful puzzles with three levels ofdifficulty.
Психология успеха 1.5
The collection contains interesting articles on psychology.
Смешные истории
A huge collection of funny stories from real life.
The volume contains an interesting article on psychology.
Тайны истории
The Secret History of -cbornik mysteries and secrets of history,the most interesting and mysterious.
Мотивация и успех
The collection contains interesting articles on the psychology ofmotivation for success.
Игры для вечеринок
The collection contains games for parties at various temy.Rabotaetwithout internet
Страшные истории 1.26
Collection truthful mystic stories. Horror stories and horrorwithout the Internet.
Сказки народов мира
A collection of 1200 tales of the peoples of the world for childrenand adults offline.
Интересные факты
Interesting facts - contains more than 3 thousand amazing facts onpopular topics.
Загадки для всех
Collection of the best puzzles! In the game you will be able toenhance logic skills.
Ребусы для всех
A collection of the best puzzles! In the game, you can improve yourlogical skills.
Факты про НЛО
Facts about UFO - offline collection of articles with picturesabout aliens and UFOs
Психологические тесты
Collection of tests in pictures where you can simply select apicture and find out the answer.
Анекдоты обо всем 2.2.10
The collection contains 130 thousand anecdotes to populartemy.Rabotaet without the Internet.
Паранормальный мир
Paranormal world - offline collection of the paranormal andmystical events.